put https://app.fracttal.com/api/work_orders_subtasks
Through this web service you can update the value of a subtask within a WO in process or revision.
The types of subtasks that can be updated are:
- Text + Number + Yes/No + Verification.
Input parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | |||||||||||||||||
id_work_orders_tasks_form_items | Text | Yes | ID of the subtask within the WO. | |||||||||||||||||
Value | Text | Yes |
Output parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id_work_orders_tasks_form_items | Number | Subtask ID within the WO |
value | Text | Subtask value |
description | Text | Subtask description. |
unit_description | Text | Description of the meter unit. Applies for meter type subtask. |
units_code | Text | Meter unit code. Applies when it is a meter type subtask. |
order_number | Number | Position in which the subtask is displayed. |
is_required | Boolean | Subtask is mandatory. |
wo_folio | Text | WO Id. |
creation_date | Text | Date of creation of the WO. |
initial_date | Text | Task start date. |
final_date | Text | End date of task. |
id_status_work_order | Number | Work order status. |
id_task_form_item_type | Number | Type of subtask. |
Request: (PUT) https://app.fracttal.com/api/work_orders_subtasks/
"id_work_orders_tasks_form_items": 2567,
"success": true,
"message": "200",
"data": {
"id_work_order": 1,
"id_work_order_task": 1,
"id_work_orders_tasks_form_items": 1,
"value": "true",
"description": "Hay que fumigar plantas?",
"unit_description": null,
"units_code": null,
"order_number": 1,
"is_required": true,
"meter_description": null,
"last_value": null,
"wo_folio": "37",
"creation_date": "2016-02-02T00:00:00+00:00",
"id_status_work_order": 3,
"id_task_form_item_type": 2
"total": 1
Test It