API Endpoints
Fracttal →

Query the url of shared WOs

Through this API you can query the public URL of a particular TO.

This functionality is part of the Share TOs Add-on.

Input parameters

folioTextYesWO Id.

Output parameters

Note: All dates returned by Fracttal web services are in UTC-0.

wo_folioTextTO ID
creation_dateTextDate of creation of the TO
created_byTextWork Order Generator Name
personnel_descriptionTextResponsible for the TO
id_status_work_orderNumberTO status
shared_wo_urlTextTO public URL


Request: (GET) https://app.fracttal.com/api/work_orders_shared_url/OT-1693

    "success": true,
    "message": "200",
    "data": [
            "wo_folio": "OT-1693",
            "creation_date": "2021-05-10T19:21:42.687171+00:00",
            "created_by": "Laura Marcela Peña Jaramillo",
            "personnel_description": "Fracttal SPA",
            "id_status_work_order": 1,
            "shared_wo_url": "https://sharedwo.fracttal.com/?69:9d1fd93d-0f56-48d0-89c6-50205079ce75",
            "id_company": 69
    "total": 1

Test It
