put https://app.fracttal.com/api/third_parties
Through this API you can update the information of a third party created in Fracttal.
Input parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
name | Text | Required | Name of third party |
email | Text | Optional | E-mail address |
active | Boolean | Optional | True if the third party is active, false otherwise |
code_parent_location | Text | Optional | Code of the asset in which the third party will be located. |
group_1 | Text | Optional | Description of classification 1 |
group_2 | Text | Optional | Description of classification 2 |
address | Text | Optional | Address |
city | Text | Optional | City |
state | Text | Optional | State |
zip_code | Text | Optional | Area code |
country | Text | Optional | Country |
latitude | Text | Optional | Latitude |
longitud | Text | Optional | longitude |
telephone | Text | Optional | Phone |
telephone_2 | Text | Optional | Phone 2. |
sms | Text | Optional | sms |
fax | Text | Optional | Fax |
web_page | Text | Optional | Website. |
**Note: To update a third party, the body must contain only the fields to be updated and the required fields.
Output parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | Boolean | True if the insert was successful or false otherwise |
message | Text | 200 if successful |
data | Text | Json con el item insertado |
Petition: (PUT) https://app.fracttal.com/api/third_parties/fracttal_tercero
"telephone_1":"56 2 2846 9175",
Test It
Test It