Code |
Description |
200 |
Successful response |
400 |
The request is malformed. The information to create the resource does not exist or is invalid. |
401 |
Authentication failed. Authentication failed or the information needed to authenticate, the request was not found. |
403 |
The user does not have permissions to perform the action. |
404 |
The item for which you want to perform the action was not found in the application. |
405 |
Operation not allowed. Occurs when the request method is invalid for the required endpoint. |
406 |
Occurs when the number of requests per minute is exceeded. |
407 |
The time is out of range. When the ts (timestamp) is out of range of the FRACTTAL API server. |
408 |
The item already exists. Occurs when you try to insert an existing item. |
500 |
An error occurred in the application. |