Through this API you can query the information of the work orders and the tasks that are associated to the work order.
It can be queried for a given date range.
Input parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | ||||||||||||||||
folio | Text | Optional | TO Id. | ||||||||||||||||
ot_status | Text | Optional | Status of Ot. 1: In process, 2: Review, 3: Completed, 4: Cancelled | ||||||||||||||||
code_asset | Text | Optional | Code of the asset that has the task associated with it (the asset can be a location, equipment or tool) | ||||||||||||||||
since | Text | Optional | Initial date of the query. Format: 'YYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Example:'2016-07-12T20:00:00-03′. By default, no date filter is applied. | ||||||||||||||||
until | Text | Optional | Query end date. Format: 'YYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Example:'2016-07-12T20:00:00-03′. By default, no date filter is applied. | ||||||||||||||||
type_date | Text | Optional | Date type to make the query. can be: .
| ||||||||||||||||
code_location | Text | Optional | Location code | ||||||||||||||||
id_work_order_task | Number | Optional | Task ID in the work order | ||||||||||||||||
start | Integer | Optional | Number of records from which you want to start the query. All queries are limited to 100 records, when there are more than that amount you must use this parameter for pagination. | ||||||||||||||||
limit | Integer | Optional | Final record number to be returned by the query. |
Note: All dates returned by Fracttal web services are in UTC-0.
Output parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
wo_folio | Text | TO ID |
creation_date | Text | Date of creation of the TO |
duration | Integer | Duration of the work order |
id_works_ordes_task | Integer | Task ID |
id_status_work_order | Number | 1: TO in Process 2: TO under Revision 3: TO Completed 4: TO cancelled |
final_date | Text | End date of task |
completed_percentage | Text | Percentage of work order completed |
created_by | Text | Work Order Generator Name |
code | Text | Asset code |
items_log_description | Text | Description of asset |
done | Text | True if the task is already completed and False if the task is not completed. |
description | Text | Task description |
id_request | Text | Id of the request, if the task comes from an application |
stop_assets | Text | True if the asset is stopped and False if the asset is NOT stopped. |
stop_assets_sec | Integer | Asset stop time (seconds) |
tasks_log_task_type_main | Text | Type of task |
parent_description | Text | Location of the asset |
resources_hours | Number | Sum of hours of human resources used |
trigger_description | Text | Activator Type |
resources_inventory | Text | Inventory-type resources in the task |
resources_human_resources | Text | Human Resources in the task |
cal_date_maintenance | Text | Calculated task date |
real_duration | Integer | Actual task duration |
date_maintenance | Date | Task scheduling date |
user_assigned | Text | Assigned User |
note | Text | Work Order Note |
details_signature | Text | Work order signature details |
first_date_task | Text | Start date of the task nearest to completion |
costs_center_description | Text | Asset cost center |
tasks_duration | Text | Estimated task duration |
total_cost_task | Text | Total cost of TO |
requested_by | Text | Requesting an unscheduled task |
groups_description | Text | Asset 'Type' information |
groups_1_description | Text | Asset classification 1 |
groups_2_description | Text | Asset classification 2 |
has_children | Text | True if the work order has child work orders |
real_stop_assets_sec | Text | Actual asset downtime |
wo_final_date | Text | Work order end date |
tasks_log_types_description | Text | Task Classification 1 |
tasks_log_types_2_description | Text | Task Classification 2 |
rating | Text | WO qualification |
code_responsible | Text | Code of the person responsible for the WO |
work_orders_status_custom_description | Text | Reason for cancellation |
types_description | Text | Type of failure |
causes_description | Text | Cause of failure |
detection_method_description | Text | Method of fault detection |
severiry_description | Text | Severity of failure |
damages_types_description | Text | Type of damage caused |
Request: (GET)
"success": true,
"message": "200",
"data": [
"id_work_order": 694,
"id_work_orders_tasks": 1048,
"id_status_work_order": 3,
"wo_folio": "702",
"creation_date": "2016-11-03T22:03:24.306526+00:00",
"duration": 18600,
"initial_date": "2016-11-03T16:54:15+00:00",
"id_priorities": 1,
"final_date": "2016-11-03T22:04:15+00:00",
"completed_percentage": 100,
"created_by": "Laura Marcela Peña Jaramillo",
"signature": null,
"personnel_description": "ADOLFO BELTRAN",
"personnel_path_image": ".images/dut7mtlgufidwpuk3locqivswh13l1mquwcjlu7tionurl8h.png",
"code": null,
"items_log_description": "GRUPO ELECTROGENO Nº01 ",
"done": true,
"description": "REPARACION DEL EQUIPO",
"id_request": null,
"stop_assets": true,
"stop_assets_sec": null,
"tasks_log_task_type_main": "CORRECTIVA",
"parent_description": "// CCICSA/ ",
"trigger_description": "NO_SCHEDULE_TASK",
"resources_hours": 2,
"resources_inventory": null,
"resources_human_resources": "ADOLFO BELTRAN",
"resources_services": null,
"cal_date_maintenance": "2016-11-03T03:00:00+00:00",
"real_duration": 18600,
"date_maintenance": "2016-11-03T03:00:00+00:00",
"user_assigned": "ADOLFO BELTRAN",
"note": null,
"details_signature": null,
"responsible_path_signature": "classic/resources/images/background-img.png",
"validator_path_signature": ".images/x2pe12213f740oee8567inxm81prwxsq63m1ak43xfvtph.png",
"first_date_task": "2016-11-03T03:00:00+00:00",
"costs_center_description": "",
"tasks_duration": 18600,
"total_cost_task": 8888,
"requested_by": "MIGUEL",
"groups_description": "GRUPOS ELECTROGENOS",
"groups_1_description": "PLANTA",
"id_parent_wo": null,
"has_children": false,
"real_stop_assets_sec": null,
"wo_final_date": null,
"is_offline": null,
"tasks_log_types_description": null,
"tasks_log_types_2_description": null,
"code_create_by": null,
"event_date": "2016-11-03T17:08:01+00:00",
"rating": null,
"enable_budget": null,
"work_orders_status_custom_description": null,
"review_date": null,
"code_responsible": null,
"id_parent": 24517,
"id_failure_type": 2,
"types_description": "PROBLEMA DE MEMORIA",
"id_failure_cause": 9,
"causes_description": "FALTA DE COMBUSTIBLE",
"id_failure_detection_method": 1,
"detection_method_description": "INSPECCION VISUAL",
"id_failure_severity": 1,
"severiry_description": "VERY_HIGH",
"id_damage_type": 1,
"damages_types_description": "NEITHER",
"caused_damage": null,
"id_group_task": null,
"id_company": 133
"total": 1
Test It