Through this web service you can consult the stock (spare parts and supplies) that are associated to a particular warehouse in Fracttal.
Input parameters
Parameeter | Type | Required | Description |
code | Text | Yes | Warehouse code to be queried (optional if the warehouse id is sent). |
id | Text | Yes | Id of the warehouse to be consulted (optional if the warehouse code is sent) |
Parámetros de salida
Parámetro | Tipo | Descripción |
id_item | Text | Item ID |
id_type_item | Text | Type of item |
description | Text | Item description |
code | Text | Item code |
units_description | Text | Item unit |
field_1 | Text | Item name |
field_2 | Text | item field_2 |
active | Text | Item status |
groups_description | Text | Type |
groups_1_description | Text | Classification 1 |
groups_2_description | Text | Classification 2 |
parent_description | Text | Location |
id_warehouse | Text | Warehouse ID |
stock | Text | Stock |
max_stock_level | Text | Maximum level |
min_stock_level | Text | Minimum level |
location | Text | Location within the warehouse |
Request: (GET)
"success": true,
"mensaje": "200",
"data": [
"id_item": 2112,
"id_type_item": 4,
"description": " MODULO ZMR -0.6-PKZ2 (SM) { 0003010001001521 }",
"code": "0003010001001521",
"units_description": "Cada uno",
"field_1": " MODULO ZMR -0.6-PKZ2 (SM)",
"field_2": "",
"active": true,
"groups_description": null,
"groups_1_description": null,
"groups_2_description": null,
"parent_description": "// ",
"id_warehouse": 4,
"stock": 0,
"max_stock_level": null,
"min_stock_level": null,
"location": null,
"reorder_level": null
"id_item": 2117,
"id_type_item": 4,
"description": " MODULO ZMR -10-PKZ2 (SM) { 0003010001001527 }",
"code": "0003010001001527",
"units_description": "Cada uno",
"field_1": " MODULO ZMR -10-PKZ2 (SM)",
"field_2": "",
"active": true,
"groups_description": null,
"groups_1_description": null,
"groups_2_description": null,
"parent_description": "// ",
"id_warehouse": 4,
"stock": 0,
"max_stock_level": null,
"min_stock_level": null,
"location": null,
"reorder_level": null
"total": 2
Test it