This API is used to create a document management document (Guarantee or Document) and associate it to an asset.
Input parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
code | Text | Required | Código ítem |
id_type_item | number | Optional | Type of asset. This data applies when there are different types of assets with the same code. It can be: 1: for Locations 2:for Equipment 3:for Tools 4:for Spare parts and supplies 5:for Digital |
name | Text | Required | Name of warranty |
description | Text | Optional | Warranty description |
group_description | Text | Optional | Warranty group. If an existing group is to be associated, the name must be sent as created in Fracttal. If no group with the description sent is found, a new one will be created. |
version | Text | Optional | Document version |
valid_from | Date | Optional | Valid from date |
valid_until | Date | Optional | Validity end date |
warranty | Boolean | Optional | If it is a guarantee, send true, otherwise false |
iso_code | Text | Optional | ISO document code |
author | Text | Optional | Author |
Send the required fields and the parameters with the additional values you wish to insert .
Output parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | Boolean | True if the insert was successful or false otherwise |
message | Text | 200 if successful |
data | Text | JSON with inserted item |
total | number | Number of records inserted (Always 1)200 if successful |
Petición: (POST)
"name":"Garantía de Buses Interurbanos",
"description":"Descripción Garantía",
"group_description":"Garantía Buses",
"iso_code":"ISO 39001",
Test IT