API Endpoints
Fracttal →

Query task resources

Through this API you can consult the list of resources that were added to a task within a WO.

Filters can be made by: -WO ID (folio) -WO date range. It will be applied for the date of creation of the resource in the TO.

Input parameters

folioTextOptionalWO Id.
sinceTextOptionalInitial date of the query. Format: 'YYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Example: '2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'. (Default 30 days before)
untilTextOptionalEnd date of the query. Format: 'YYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Example:'2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'. (Defaults to the current date.
type_dateTextOptionaldate_create': Date of creation of the resource
ot_statusNumberOptionalStatus of WO. 1: In process, 2: Review, 3: Completed, 4: Cancelled
code_locationTextOptionalLocation code, where the asset is located or is part of the asset to which the TO was performed.
typeNumberOptionalType of resource: 1 : Inventory 2 : Human Resources 3 : Services
startIntegerOptionalInitial record number to be displayed by the query. It is used to do the record pagination. It is the number at which the pagination starts. By default it is 0
limitIntegerOptionalFinal record number to be returned by the query.

Output parameters

id_work_orders_tasksTextid of the task in the work order
id_resourceTextId within the TO of the associated resource
id_resource_originalTextResource id (id associated with the spare parts, human resources or services catalog)
descriptionTextDescription of the resource
source_descriptionTextSource of the resource
source_codeTextResource source code
typeNumberType of resource 1: Inventory 2: Human Resources 3: Services
type_descriptionTextDescription of the type of resource
qtyNumberQuantity requested
unit_costRealUnit cost
total_costRealTotal cost
qty_deliveredRealQuantity Delivered
real_qty_usedRealActual amount used
initial_dateRealTO start date
final_dateRealTO end date
codeTextResource code
units_descriptionTextDescription of the unit
units_codeTextUnit code
id_status_work_orderNumberWork order status
costs_center_descriptionTextCost center
date_createDateDate on which the resource was added
wo_folioTextWO ID
external_sourceTextDescription of the external source (For when it is a non-catalogued resource)
id_movements_detailsTextId of the movement detail that is associated to this resource (applies only to inventory type resources)
complementary_infoJsonComplementary information on overtime in human resources


Request: (GET) https://app.fracttal.com/api/wo_resources/OT-2956

    "success": true,
    "message": "200",
    "data": [
            "id": "[10490581,2]",
            "id_work_orders_tasks": 27560467,
            "id_resource": 5897,
            "id_resource_original": 6599,
            "description": "Ingeniero IoT 4391",
            "id_source": 84699,
            "source_description": "MIR LONDOÑO",
            "source_code": "RH-MRX-256",
            "id_company": 1190,
            "id_task_log": 9636803,
            "id_task": 10001397,
            "type": 2,
            "type_description": "HUMAN_RESOURCES",
            "qty": 1,
            "unit_cost": 55000,
            "total_cost": 55000,
            "qty_delivered": 1,
            "real_qty_used": 1,
            "initial_date": "2024-06-25T21:46:39.627+00:00",
            "final_date": "2024-06-25T21:49:36.259+00:00",
            "code": "RH-MRX-256",
            "units_description": "HOUR",
            "is_offline": false,
            "id_status_work_order": 1,
            "id_work_order": 16491114,
            "id_account_offline": null,
            "costs_center_description": "",
            "date_create": "2024-06-25T21:51:25.317338+00:00",
            "units_code": "H",
            "wo_folio": "OT-2956",
            "external_source": "",
            "note": "",
            "id_movements_details": 0,
            "wo_final_date": null,
            "parent_description": "// ",
            "id_wo_resource": 10490581,
            "complementary_info": {
                "percentage": null,
                "extra_hours": false,
                "type_extra_time": null
            "id": "[2164043,3]",
            "id_work_orders_tasks": 27560467,
            "id_resource": 971363,
            "id_resource_original": 17617,
            "description": "AAA LIMPIEZA DE ROTORES",
            "id_source": 2785,
            "source_description": "ACCUAPRODUCT S.A.C.",
            "source_code": "20505830319",
            "id_company": 1190,
            "id_task_log": 9636803,
            "id_task": 10001397,
            "type": 3,
            "type_description": "SERVICES",
            "qty": 1,
            "unit_cost": 125469,
            "total_cost": 125469,
            "qty_delivered": 1,
            "real_qty_used": 1,
            "initial_date": "2024-06-25T21:46:39.627+00:00",
            "final_date": "2024-06-25T21:49:36.259+00:00",
            "code": "",
            "units_description": "C/U",
            "is_offline": false,
            "id_status_work_order": 1,
            "id_work_order": 16491114,
            "id_account_offline": null,
            "costs_center_description": "",
            "date_create": "2024-06-25T21:51:25.317338+00:00",
            "units_code": "",
            "wo_folio": "OT-2956",
            "external_source": null,
            "note": "",
            "id_movements_details": 0,
            "wo_final_date": null,
            "parent_description": "// ",
            "id_wo_resource": 2164043,
            "complementary_info": null
            "id": "[5181683,1]",
            "id_work_orders_tasks": 27560467,
            "id_resource": 9595013,
            "id_resource_original": 3285,
            "description": "LLAVE TORQUE M1/2\\ 20-100NM  { ACT.HERR-0002 } S.RICHMONT M1/2\\ 20-100NM",
            "id_source": 2522,
            "source_description": "BODEGA AJUSTE DE INVENTARIO",
            "source_code": "ADI-001",
            "id_company": 1190,
            "id_task_log": 9636803,
            "id_task": 10001397,
            "type": 1,
            "type_description": "INVENTORY",
            "qty": 4,
            "unit_cost": 15,
            "total_cost": 0,
            "qty_delivered": 0,
            "real_qty_used": 0,
            "initial_date": "2024-06-25T21:46:39.627+00:00",
            "final_date": "2024-06-25T21:49:36.259+00:00",
            "code": "ACT.HERR-0002",
            "units_description": "UNIDAD",
            "is_offline": false,
            "id_status_work_order": 1,
            "id_work_order": 16491114,
            "id_account_offline": null,
            "costs_center_description": "80051 (  )",
            "date_create": "2024-06-25T21:51:25.317338+00:00",
            "units_code": null,
            "wo_folio": "OT-2956",
            "external_source": null,
            "note": "",
            "id_movements_details": 17745567,
            "wo_final_date": null,
            "parent_description": "// ",
            "id_wo_resource": 5181683,
            "complementary_info": null
    "total": 3