Through this API you can consult the list of resources that were added to a task within a WO.
Filters can be made by: -WO ID (folio) -WO date range. It will be applied for the date of creation of the resource in the TO.
Input parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
folio | Text | Optional | WO Id. |
since | Text | Optional | Initial date of the query. Format: 'YYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Example: '2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'. (Default 30 days before) |
until | Text | Optional | End date of the query. Format: 'YYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Example:'2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'. (Defaults to the current date. |
type_date | Text | Optional | date_create': Date of creation of the resource |
ot_status | Number | Optional | Status of WO. 1: In process, 2: Review, 3: Completed, 4: Cancelled |
code_location | Text | Optional | Location code, where the asset is located or is part of the asset to which the TO was performed. |
type | Number | Optional | Type of resource: 1 : Inventory 2 : Human Resources 3 : Services |
start | Integer | Optional | Initial record number to be displayed by the query. It is used to do the record pagination. It is the number at which the pagination starts. By default it is 0 |
limit | Integer | Optional | Final record number to be returned by the query. |
Output parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id_work_orders_tasks | Text | id of the task in the work order |
id_resource | Text | Id within the TO of the associated resource |
id_resource_original | Text | Resource id (id associated with the spare parts, human resources or services catalog) |
description | Text | Description of the resource |
source_description | Text | Source of the resource |
source_code | Text | Resource source code |
type | Number | Type of resource 1: Inventory 2: Human Resources 3: Services |
type_description | Text | Description of the type of resource |
qty | Number | Quantity requested |
unit_cost | Real | Unit cost |
total_cost | Real | Total cost |
qty_delivered | Real | Quantity Delivered |
real_qty_used | Real | Actual amount used |
initial_date | Real | TO start date |
final_date | Real | TO end date |
code | Text | Resource code |
units_description | Text | Description of the unit |
units_code | Text | Unit code |
id_status_work_order | Number | Work order status |
costs_center_description | Text | Cost center |
date_create | Date | Date on which the resource was added |
wo_folio | Text | WO ID |
external_source | Text | Description of the external source (For when it is a non-catalogued resource) |
id_movements_details | Text | Id of the movement detail that is associated to this resource (applies only to inventory type resources) |
complementary_info | Json | Complementary information on overtime in human resources |
Request: (GET)
"success": true,
"message": "200",
"data": [
"id": "[10490581,2]",
"id_work_orders_tasks": 27560467,
"id_resource": 5897,
"id_resource_original": 6599,
"description": "Ingeniero IoT 4391",
"id_source": 84699,
"source_description": "MIR LONDOÑO",
"source_code": "RH-MRX-256",
"id_company": 1190,
"id_task_log": 9636803,
"id_task": 10001397,
"type": 2,
"type_description": "HUMAN_RESOURCES",
"qty": 1,
"unit_cost": 55000,
"total_cost": 55000,
"qty_delivered": 1,
"real_qty_used": 1,
"initial_date": "2024-06-25T21:46:39.627+00:00",
"final_date": "2024-06-25T21:49:36.259+00:00",
"code": "RH-MRX-256",
"units_description": "HOUR",
"is_offline": false,
"id_status_work_order": 1,
"id_work_order": 16491114,
"id_account_offline": null,
"costs_center_description": "",
"date_create": "2024-06-25T21:51:25.317338+00:00",
"units_code": "H",
"wo_folio": "OT-2956",
"external_source": "",
"note": "",
"id_movements_details": 0,
"wo_final_date": null,
"parent_description": "// ",
"id_wo_resource": 10490581,
"complementary_info": {
"percentage": null,
"extra_hours": false,
"type_extra_time": null
"id": "[2164043,3]",
"id_work_orders_tasks": 27560467,
"id_resource": 971363,
"id_resource_original": 17617,
"description": "AAA LIMPIEZA DE ROTORES",
"id_source": 2785,
"source_description": "ACCUAPRODUCT S.A.C.",
"source_code": "20505830319",
"id_company": 1190,
"id_task_log": 9636803,
"id_task": 10001397,
"type": 3,
"type_description": "SERVICES",
"qty": 1,
"unit_cost": 125469,
"total_cost": 125469,
"qty_delivered": 1,
"real_qty_used": 1,
"initial_date": "2024-06-25T21:46:39.627+00:00",
"final_date": "2024-06-25T21:49:36.259+00:00",
"code": "",
"units_description": "C/U",
"is_offline": false,
"id_status_work_order": 1,
"id_work_order": 16491114,
"id_account_offline": null,
"costs_center_description": "",
"date_create": "2024-06-25T21:51:25.317338+00:00",
"units_code": "",
"wo_folio": "OT-2956",
"external_source": null,
"note": "",
"id_movements_details": 0,
"wo_final_date": null,
"parent_description": "// ",
"id_wo_resource": 2164043,
"complementary_info": null
"id": "[5181683,1]",
"id_work_orders_tasks": 27560467,
"id_resource": 9595013,
"id_resource_original": 3285,
"description": "LLAVE TORQUE M1/2\\ 20-100NM { ACT.HERR-0002 } S.RICHMONT M1/2\\ 20-100NM",
"id_source": 2522,
"source_description": "BODEGA AJUSTE DE INVENTARIO",
"source_code": "ADI-001",
"id_company": 1190,
"id_task_log": 9636803,
"id_task": 10001397,
"type": 1,
"type_description": "INVENTORY",
"qty": 4,
"unit_cost": 15,
"total_cost": 0,
"qty_delivered": 0,
"real_qty_used": 0,
"initial_date": "2024-06-25T21:46:39.627+00:00",
"final_date": "2024-06-25T21:49:36.259+00:00",
"code": "ACT.HERR-0002",
"units_description": "UNIDAD",
"is_offline": false,
"id_status_work_order": 1,
"id_work_order": 16491114,
"id_account_offline": null,
"costs_center_description": "80051 ( )",
"date_create": "2024-06-25T21:51:25.317338+00:00",
"units_code": null,
"wo_folio": "OT-2956",
"external_source": null,
"note": "",
"id_movements_details": 17745567,
"wo_final_date": null,
"parent_description": "// ",
"id_wo_resource": 5181683,
"complementary_info": null
"total": 3