API Endpoints
Fracttal →

Query third parties related to the asset

With this API you can consult the third parties that have been associated to an asset. This web service allows you to filter by the following options:

Input parameters

codeTextOptionalCode of the asset
item_typeTextOptionalType of asset
id_itemTextOptionalItem ID in Fracttal
startTextOptionalRecord number from which the query will start. By default it starts at item 0
limit TextOptionalFinal record number to be returned by the query. By default 100 records are returned (Maximum value).

Output parameters

id_itemnumberAsset Id
id_third_party numberId of the third party in Fracttal
third_parties_name TextName of third party


Petición: (GET) https://app.fracttal.com/api/api/items_third_parties/?id_item=97

    "success": true,
    "message": "200",
    "data": [
            "id": 21451,
            "id_company": 69,
            "id_item": 97,
            "id_third_party": 138,
            "third_parties_name": "ASSOCIACAO MEDICOS DA FLORESTA"
    "total": 1