API Endpoints
Fracttal →

Approve/cancel budget

:id = Is the budget id

Input parameters

statusNumberYes2 : Approved 3 : Rejected
approved_byTextYesName of person approving
note_statusTextOptionalApproval Notes Parameters Output

Output parameters

folioTextBudget Id
referenceTextBudget reference
noteTextBudget notes
exchange_valueTextExchange value
id_priorityTextBudget priority: 1: Very high 2: High 3: Medium 4: Low 5: Very low
date_createDateBudget creation date
statusDateBudget status: 1: Pending approval 2: Approved 3: Rejected
approved_byTextApproved by
note_statusTextNotes to the budget status change
created_byTextCreated by


Request: (PUT) https://app.fracttal.com/api/wo_budget_list/22

    "success": true,
    "message": "200",
    "data": [
            "id": 22,
            "id_company": 69,
            "id_work_order": 1243,
            "id_third_parties_log": 16,
            "id_cost_center": 2,
            "folio": "22",
            "id_currency": 4,
            "exchange_value": 1,
            "reference": "Referencia",
            "id_priority": 1,
            "note": "Notas",
            "id_item_log": 170,
            "date_create": "2019-05-07T14:15:24.607382+00:00",
            "id_condition": 1,
            "status": 1,
            "approved_by": null,
            "note_status": null,
            "discount": 0,
            "created_by": "Laura Marcela Peña Jaramillo",
            "third_parties_name": "Fracttal SPA - Tercero",
            "third_parties_code": "Fttl_Tre02",
            "third_parties_address": "San Pio X",
            "third_parties_email": "[email protected]",
            "third_parties_city": "Providencia",
            "third_parties_country": "Chile",
            "third_parties_telephone_1": "555-555-55",
            "third_parties_telephone_2": null,
            "costs_center_description": "Materiales",
            "items_description": "Edificio prinicipal San pio X Santiago 000000 Región Metropolitana Chile { 7543 }",
            "items_groups_description": "Tipo 1",
            "items_groups_1_description": null,
            "items_groups_2_description": null,
            "conditions_description": "30 días",
            "currency_description": "Peso Colombiano",
            "symbol": "$",
            "wo_folio": "1279",
            "id_status_work_order": 1,
            "final_date": null,
            "user_assigned": "Carlos Jaramillo",
            "parent_description": "// Edificio prinicipal/ ",
            "list_items": [
                    "id_company": 69,
                    "type_resource": 1,
                    "qty": 5,
                    "unit_cost_company": 54000,
                    "total_cost_company": 270000,
                    "unit_cost": 54000,
                    "total_cost": 270000,
                    "id_taxes": 1,
                    "hrl_description": null,
                    "items_log_description": "O-RING 24,2X3 BOMBA TRIDO 45 H (ATLASCOPCO 0663 2127-00)  -Diamec 232    { 200426 }",
                    "stl_description": null
    "total": 1

Test It
