API Endpoints
Fracttal →

Upadate a resource within a WO

This API can be used to update the note of an existing resource within a work order in process or under review.

id = id of the resource to update.

This id, can be queried from the id_wo_resource parameter, within the (GET) Query task resources web service.

Input parameters

typeNumberYesType of resource: 1: Inventory 2: Human Resource 3: Service
noteTextYesResource Note

Output parameters

id_work_orders_tasksTextid of the task in the work order
id_resourceTextLog ID of the associated resource
id_resource_originalTexResource id (id that is associated with the spare parts, human resources or services catalog)
descriptionTextDescription of the resource
source_descriptionTextSource of the resource
source_codeTextResource source code
typeNumberType of resource: 1: Inventory 2: Human resources 3: Services
type_descriptionTextDescription of the type of resource
qtyNumberQuantity requested
unit_costRealUnit cost
total_costRealTotal cost
qty_deliveredRealQuantity Delivered
real_qty_usedRealActual quantity used
initial_dateRealWO start date
final_dateRealWO end date
codeTextResource code
units_descriptionTextDescription of the unit
units_codeTextUnit code
id_status_work_orderNumberWork order status
costs_center_descriptionTextCost center
date_createNumberDate on which the resource was added
wo_folioTextWO ID
external_sourceTextDescription of the external source (For when it is a non-catalogued resource)
id_movements_detailsTextId of the movement detail that is associated to this resource (applies only to inventory type resources)
id_wo_resourceTextResource ID within the WO


Request: (PUT)https://app.fracttal.com/api/wo_resources/569900

    "note":"Nota del recurso mediante API"
    "success": true,
    "message": "200",
    "data": {
        "id": "[569900,1]",
        "id_work_orders_tasks": 3176750,
        "id_resource": 632896,
        "id_resource_original": 400,
        "description": "CAMERA HEAD ASSY  FUJIFILM 10A10003280 { 10A10003280- }",
        "id_source": 7,
        "source_description": "Almacen Integración Zepeling",
        "source_code": "000010",
        "id_company": 69,
        "id_task": 898004,
        "type": 1,
        "type_description": "INVENTORY",
        "qty": 2,
        "unit_cost": 0,
        "total_cost": 0,
        "qty_delivered": 2,
        "real_qty_used": 2,
        "initial_date": null,
        "final_date": null,
        "code": "10A10003280-",
        "units_description": "CU",
        "is_offline": null,
        "id_status_work_order": 1,
        "id_work_order": 1440469,
        "id_account_offline": null,
        "costs_center_description": "",
        "date_create": "2021-08-27T20:49:03.524678+00:00",
        "units_code": "CU",
        "wo_folio": "OT-1733",
        "external_source": null,
        "note": "Nota del recurso mediante API",
        "id_movements_details": 961370,
        "wo_final_date": null,
        "parent_description": "// Clínica Universidad de los Andes/ "
    "total": 1

Test It
