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Query work request

This EndPoint can be used to query work order information within a given date range.

Input parameters

codeTextOptionalApplication Id.
sinceTextOptionalInitial date of the query. Formato: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Ejemplo:'2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'.
untilTextOptionalEnd date of the query. Formato: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Ejemplo:'2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'.
type_dateTextOptionalType of date to make the query. It can be:

dateDate of creation of the Request (Default value)
date_incidentIncident Date
date_solutionRequest Resolution Date
id_statusTextOptionalWork Request Status Id, values can be:

1 - Open 2 - In Process 3 - Work Order in Process 4 - Resolved without Work Order 5 - Cancelled 6 - Resolved with Work Order 7 - Waiting for a Work Order 8 - Work Order in Review 9 - Work Order cancelled 10 - Waiting for another Work Order 11 - Request removed from Pending Tasks 12 - Rejected 13 - Created from Guest Portal.
identifierTextOptionalApplication reference
pageIntegerOptionalPage number to be consulted.
startIntegerOptionalInitial record number to be displayed by the query.
limitIntegerOptionalFinal record number to be returned by the query.

Output parameters

id_codeTextApplication ID
dateTextDate Application created
is_urgentTextTrue if the request is urgent, False otherwise
descriptionIntegerDescription of the application
ratingTextQualification of the application
rating_notesTextApplication Qualification Notes
observationTextComments on the application
date_solutionTextDate of solution
items_descriptionTextAsset associated with the request
date_statusTextDate of last status change
requests_x_status_notesTextNote of change of status
requests_x_status_descriptionTextDescription of current status
accounts_nameTextUser who created the request
accounts_emailTextEmail of the user who created the request
requests_x_key_words_descriptionsTextApplication keywords
wo_folioTextID of the WO that is related to the request
date_incidentTextDate of initiation
parent_descriptionTextLocation of the asset that is associated with the request
requests_x_status_accounts_nameTextName of the person who last changed the status of the request
requested_byTextRequested by
types_1_descriptionTextClassification 1
types_2_descriptionTextClassification 2


Request: (GET)

  "success": true,
  "message": "200",
  "data": [
      "id_code": 385,
      "date": "2016-11-30T19:44:07.361543+00:00",
      "is_urgent": false,
      "description": "AVERIA",
      "rating": null,
      "rating_notes": null,
      "observation": "REAPRAR",
      "date_solution": null,
      "types_description": "Electricidad",
      "items_description": "EQUIPO PARA EJEMPLO    ",
      "id_status": 7,
      "date_status": "2016-11-30T19:45:24.225016+00:00",
      "requests_x_status_notes": "REQUEST_TODO",
      "requests_x_status_description": "REQUEST_TODO",
      "accounts_name": "RICARDO ROMAN",
      "accounts_email": "[email protected]",
      "requests_x_key_words_descriptions": "Equipo Falla., Equipo en Cliente",
      "wo_folio": null,
      "date_incident": "2016-11-30T16:47:03",
      "parent_description": "// AMERICA/ UBICACION DE EJEMPLO/ EQUIPO PARA EJEMPLO/ ",
      "requests_x_status_accounts_name": "RICARDO ROMAN",
      "requested_by": "RICARDO ROMAN",
      "types_1_description": "EQUIPO FALLA",
      "types_2_description": "CLASIFICACIÓN 2",
      "identifier": "",
      "geolocation": "{\"latitude\":-33.4213982,\"longitude\":-70.60434660000001,\"hour\":\"2016-11-30 4:47 PM\",\"address\":\"San Pío X 2449, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile\"}",
  "total": 1

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