This EndPoint can be used to query work order information within a given date range.
Input parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | ||||||||
code | Text | Optional | Application Id. | ||||||||
since | Text | Optional | Initial date of the query. Formato: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Ejemplo:'2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'. | ||||||||
until | Text | Optional | End date of the query. Formato: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Ejemplo:'2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'. | ||||||||
type_date | Text | Optional | Type of date to make the query. It can be: .
| ||||||||
id_status | Text | Optional | Work Request Status Id, values can be: 1 - Open 2 - In Process 3 - Work Order in Process 4 - Resolved without Work Order 5 - Cancelled 6 - Resolved with Work Order 7 - Waiting for a Work Order 8 - Work Order in Review 9 - Work Order cancelled 10 - Waiting for another Work Order 11 - Request removed from Pending Tasks 12 - Rejected 13 - Created from Guest Portal. | ||||||||
identifier | Text | Optional | Application reference | ||||||||
page | Integer | Optional | Page number to be consulted. | ||||||||
start | Integer | Optional | Initial record number to be displayed by the query. | ||||||||
limit | Integer | Optional | Final record number to be returned by the query. |
Output parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id_code | Text | Application ID |
date | Text | Date Application created |
is_urgent | Text | True if the request is urgent, False otherwise |
description | Integer | Description of the application |
rating | Text | Qualification of the application |
rating_notes | Text | Application Qualification Notes |
observation | Text | Comments on the application |
date_solution | Text | Date of solution |
types_description | Text | Group |
items_description | Text | Asset associated with the request |
date_status | Text | Date of last status change |
requests_x_status_notes | Text | Note of change of status |
requests_x_status_description | Text | Description of current status |
accounts_name | Text | User who created the request |
accounts_email | Text | Email of the user who created the request |
requests_x_key_words_descriptions | Text | Application keywords |
wo_folio | Text | ID of the WO that is related to the request |
date_incident | Text | Date of initiation |
parent_description | Text | Location of the asset that is associated with the request |
requests_x_status_accounts_name | Text | Name of the person who last changed the status of the request |
requested_by | Text | Requested by |
types_1_description | Text | Classification 1 |
types_2_description | Text | Classification 2 |
identifier | Text | Reference |
geolocation | Text | Geolocation |
Request: (GET)
"success": true,
"message": "200",
"data": [
"id_code": 385,
"date": "2016-11-30T19:44:07.361543+00:00",
"is_urgent": false,
"description": "AVERIA",
"rating": null,
"rating_notes": null,
"observation": "REAPRAR",
"date_solution": null,
"types_description": "Electricidad",
"items_description": "EQUIPO PARA EJEMPLO ",
"id_status": 7,
"date_status": "2016-11-30T19:45:24.225016+00:00",
"requests_x_status_notes": "REQUEST_TODO",
"requests_x_status_description": "REQUEST_TODO",
"accounts_name": "RICARDO ROMAN",
"accounts_email": "[email protected]",
"requests_x_key_words_descriptions": "Equipo Falla., Equipo en Cliente",
"wo_folio": null,
"date_incident": "2016-11-30T16:47:03",
"requests_x_status_accounts_name": "RICARDO ROMAN",
"requested_by": "RICARDO ROMAN",
"types_1_description": "EQUIPO FALLA",
"types_2_description": "CLASIFICACIÓN 2",
"identifier": "",
"geolocation": "{\"latitude\":-33.4213982,\"longitude\":-70.60434660000001,\"hour\":\"2016-11-30 4:47 PM\",\"address\":\"San Pío X 2449, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile\"}",
"total": 1
Test It