API Endpoints
Fracttal →

Query material request

This EndPoint can be used to query information on material requests within a given date range.

Input parameters

codeTextOptionalWarehouse code
warehouse_idIntegerOptionalWarehouse ID
sinceTextOptionalInitial date of the query. Format: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Exempla:'2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'.
untilTextOptionalEnd date of the query. Format: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Exemple:'2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'.
startIntegerOptionalInitial record number to be displayed by the query.
limitIntegerOptionalFinal record number to be returned by the query.

Output parameters

idIntegerWarehouse code
id_companyIntegerCompany Id
id_warehouse_targetIntegerWarehouse ID
warehouse_codeTextWarehouse code
warehouses_descriptionTextDescription of the warehouse
folio_targetTextRequisition sequence in the warehouse
date_deliveryDateDelivery date
date_create*Date/TimeDate of creation
stateIntegerRequest status id
state_descriptionTextDescription of condition
id_priorityIntegerPriority Id
priorities_descriptionTextDescription of priority
id_responsibleIntegerId of the person responsible for the request
responsible_codeTextCode of the person responsible for the request.
responsible_descriptionTextDescription of the person responsible for the request.
detailsArray JSONDetail of items involved in the application (see application details table)

Request Details

id_movements_detailsIntegerRequest Detail Id
id_itemIntegerResource Id
codeTextResource code
items_descriptionTextDescription of the resource
qty_pendingRealAmount outstanding
units_descriptionTextDescription of the unit.
units_codeTextUnit code.

Example with Date range:

Request: (GET) https://app.fracttal.com/api/material_requests/?since=2022-06-01T20:00:00-03&until=2022-06-13T20:00:00-03

    "success": true,
    "message": "200",
    "data": [
            "id": 84,
            "id_company": 1190,
            "id_warehouse_target": 1,
            "warehouse_code": "FTTL",
            "warehouses_description": "BODEGA FRACTTAL",
            "folio_target": "7",
            "date_delivery": "2019-12-03",
            "date_create": "2019-12-03T13:27:00.232895+00:00",
            "document": "SM-MRX-001",
            "note": "Solicitud de prueba para verificación de orden de compra y entrada de material",
            "state": 5,
            "state_description": "IN_PURCHASE_ORDER",
            "id_priority": 2,
            "priorities_description": "HIGH",
            "id_responsible": 1539,
            "responsible_code": "RH-MRX-256",
            "responsible_description": "MIR LONDOÑO",
            "details": [
                    "id_movements_details": 123,
                    "id_item": 3286,
                    "code": "ACT.HERR-0003",
                    "items_description": "LLAVE TORQUE M1/2\\ 40-200NM  S.RICHMONT M1/2\\ 40-200NM { ACT.HERR-0003 }",
                    "qty": 15,
                    "qty_pending": 0,
                    "units_description": "UNIDAD",
                    "units_code": null
                    "id_movements_details": 122,
                    "id_item": 3293,
                    "code": "ACT.HERR-0010",
                    "items_description": "ANALIZADOR VIBRACIONES AN-635985-9 FLUKE 810 { ACT.HERR-0010 }",
                    "qty": 25,
                    "qty_pending": 0,
                    "units_description": "UNIDAD",
                    "units_code": null
                    "id_movements_details": 121,
                    "id_item": 3291,
                    "code": "ACT.HERR-0008",
                    "items_description": "MEDIDOR AISLACION  FLUKE 1507 { ACT.HERR-0008 }",
                    "qty": 60,
                    "qty_pending": 0,
                    "units_description": "UNIDAD",
                    "units_code": null
            "id": 86,
            "id_company": 1190,
            "id_warehouse_target": 1,
            "warehouse_code": "FTTL",
            "warehouses_description": "BODEGA FRACTTAL",
            "folio_target": "9",
            "date_delivery": "2019-12-03",
            "date_create": "2019-12-03T14:58:52.441928+00:00",
            "document": "SM-MRX-002",
            "note": "Otra prueba de solicitud de material con asignación para orden de compra",
            "state": 4,
            "state_description": "PARTIAL_DELIVERY",
            "id_priority": 2,
            "priorities_description": "HIGH",
            "id_responsible": 1539,
            "responsible_code": "RH-MRX-256",
            "responsible_description": "MIR LONDOÑO",
            "details": [
                    "id_movements_details": 127,
                    "id_item": 3286,
                    "code": "ACT.HERR-0003",
                    "items_description": "LLAVE TORQUE M1/2\\ 40-200NM  S.RICHMONT M1/2\\ 40-200NM { ACT.HERR-0003 }",
                    "qty": 200,
                    "qty_pending": 0,
                    "units_description": "UNIDAD",
                    "units_code": null
                    "id_movements_details": 128,
                    "id_item": 3293,
                    "code": "ACT.HERR-0010",
                    "items_description": "ANALIZADOR VIBRACIONES AN-635985-9 FLUKE 810 { ACT.HERR-0010 }",
                    "qty": 150,
                    "qty_pending": 40,
                    "units_description": "UNIDAD",
                    "units_code": null
                    "id_movements_details": 129,
                    "id_item": 3291,
                    "code": "ACT.HERR-0008",
                    "items_description": "MEDIDOR AISLACION  FLUKE 1507 { ACT.HERR-0008 }",
                    "qty": 120,
                    "qty_pending": 28,
                    "units_description": "UNIDAD",
                    "units_code": null
            "id": 87,
            "id_company": 1190,
            "id_warehouse_target": 1,
            "warehouse_code": "FTTL",
            "warehouses_description": "BODEGA FRACTTAL",
            "folio_target": "10",
            "date_delivery": "2019-12-03",
            "date_create": "2019-12-03T15:40:31.859066+00:00",
            "document": "SM-MRX-003",
            "note": "Otra prueba con impuesto",
            "state": 5,
            "state_description": "IN_PURCHASE_ORDER",
            "id_priority": 2,
            "priorities_description": "HIGH",
            "id_responsible": 1539,
            "responsible_code": "RH-MRX-256",
            "responsible_description": "MIR LONDOÑO",
            "details": [
                    "id_movements_details": 132,
                    "id_item": 3286,
                    "code": "ACT.HERR-0003",
                    "items_description": "LLAVE TORQUE M1/2\\ 40-200NM  S.RICHMONT M1/2\\ 40-200NM { ACT.HERR-0003 }",
                    "qty": 35,
                    "qty_pending": 0,
                    "units_description": "UNIDAD",
                    "units_code": null
                    "id_movements_details": 131,
                    "id_item": 3293,
                    "code": "ACT.HERR-0010",
                    "items_description": "ANALIZADOR VIBRACIONES AN-635985-9 FLUKE 810 { ACT.HERR-0010 }",
                    "qty": 50,
                    "qty_pending": 0,
                    "units_description": "UNIDAD",
                    "units_code": null
                    "id_movements_details": 130,
                    "id_item": 3428,
                    "code": "0001010000100066",
                    "items_description": "ACEITE 20 W 50  (SM)  COPEC  { 0001010000100066 }",
                    "qty": 39,
                    "qty_pending": 0,
                    "units_description": null,
                    "units_code": null
            "id": 1113772,
            "id_company": 1190,
            "id_warehouse_target": 1,
            "warehouse_code": "FTTL",
            "warehouses_description": "BODEGA FRACTTAL",
            "folio_target": "29",
            "date_delivery": "2022-03-19",
            "date_create": "2022-03-18T14:32:33.931442+00:00",
            "document": "MRX005",
            "note": "MRX2",
            "state": 5,
            "state_description": "IN_PURCHASE_ORDER",
            "id_priority": 3,
            "priorities_description": "MEDIUM",
            "id_responsible": 1539,
            "responsible_code": "RH-MRX-256",
            "responsible_description": "MIR LONDOÑO",
            "details": [
                    "id_movements_details": 2383105,
                    "id_item": 12488380,
                    "code": "MRX-EN-2",
                    "items_description": "000 HERRAMIENTA PARA EXISTENCIA NEG MRX 2    { MRX-EN-2 }",
                    "qty": 2,
                    "qty_pending": 0,
                    "units_description": "C/U",
                    "units_code": "CODE"
                    "id_movements_details": 2383106,
                    "id_item": 3424,
                    "code": "0001010000100014",
                    "items_description": "ACEITE A-MOBIL GEAR 680(SM) 325659-985 MOBIL SHC { 0001010000100014 }",
                    "qty": 2,
                    "qty_pending": 0,
                    "units_description": "CAJA",
                    "units_code": "C-01"
                    "id_movements_details": 2383107,
                    "id_item": 3288,
                    "code": "ACT.HERR-0005",
                    "items_description": "EXTRACTOR RODAMIENTOS  SKF EASYPULL TMMA80 { ACT.HERR-0005 }",
                    "qty": 2,
                    "qty_pending": 0,
                    "units_description": "UNIDAD",
                    "units_code": null
                    "id_movements_details": 2383108,
                    "id_item": 11639604,
                    "code": "SER-MRX-002",
                    "items_description": "HERRAMIENTA 3 VERIFICACIÓN DE SERIAL MRX    { SER-MRX-002 }",
                    "qty": 3,
                    "qty_pending": 0,
                    "units_description": "KIT",
                    "units_code": "KIT"
    "total": 4

Example with Date range:

Request: (GET) https://app.fracttal.com/api/material_requests/?since=2022-06-01T20:00:00-03&until=2022-06-13T20:00:00-03

    "success": true,
    "message": "200",
    "data": [
            "id": 1452719,
            "id_company": 1190,
            "id_warehouse_target": 1410,
            "warehouse_code": "MRX-004",
            "warehouses_description": "ALMACÉN DE REPUESTOS 2",
            "folio_target": "20",
            "date_delivery": "2022-06-10",
            "date_create": "2022-06-08T06:00:24.550131+00:00",
            "document": "70285343",
            "note": "ABC",
            "state": 3,
            "state_description": "WITH_OUT_PURCHASE_ORDER",
            "id_priority": 3,
            "priorities_description": "MEDIUM",
            "id_responsible": 1540,
            "responsible_code": null,
            "responsible_description": "ALEXIS GARCIA",
            "details": [
                    "id_movements_details": 2978195,
                    "id_item": 3286,
                    "code": "ACT.HERR-0003",
                    "items_description": "LLAVE TORQUE M1/2\\ 40-200NM  S.RICHMONT M1/2\\ 40-200NM { ACT.HERR-0003 }",
                    "qty": 3,
                    "qty_pending": 3,
                    "units_description": "UNIDAD",
                    "units_code": null
    "total": 1

Test It
