API Endpoints
Fracttal →

Associate asset to a task list

Through this web service you can associate a task list to an asset.

To be able to use this web service, the asset cannot be associated to any task plan, it must be a location, equipment or tool and the tasks within the task plan cannot have triggers or subtasks related to meter readings.

**The following are the parameters that must be sent in the body of the web service, for the assignment of the task plan.

Input parameters

id_tasks_planTextRequiredTask list ID (you can check it with the web service task list query )
code_userTextRequiredCode of the user responsible for the transaction (user created as a human resource in Fracttal and with an associated account).
last_date_maintenanceTextOptionalDate of last maintenance. By default, it is the current date. Format: YYYYY-MM-DD

For the updating of the assets, you must send the mandatory fields and the parameters with the additional values you wish to insert. Do not send the parameters that are not mandatory in blank .

Output parameters

codeTextAsset code
descriptionTextDescription of asset
id_type_itemnumberTipo de activo.
1: Ubicaciones
2: Equipos
3: Herramientas
id_type_itemnumberId of the task list to which it was associated
groups_tasks_descriptionTextDescription of the task plan with which it was associated


Petición: (PUT) https://app.fracttal.com/api/items_associate_tasks_plan/185

  "id_tasks_plan": "3",
  "code_user": "32322",
  "last_date_maintenance": "2019-10-25"

Test IT
