Fracttal offers its customers a service (FRACTTAL API) that allows them to access their company to keep the information updated, connect external applications and have instant access to your data. The actions they can do with this API are:
Read information
Insert Information
Update Information
Delete information
Some of the features you can build with FRACTTAL API are:
At the Warehouse module, update the stock of a given item.
Automatically synchronize your inventory software with Fracttal.
FRACTTAL API is based on REST web services, the data transfer format it supports is JSON. All responses are sent in this format, therefore, requests must be sent in this format.
REST is a set of well-defined operations that apply to all HTTP standard resources, itself defines a small set of operations, the most important are POST, GET, PUT and DELETE. The operations are equivalent to CRUD operations in databases (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
To continue learning more about FRACTTAL API, we recommend you read the following information: