API Endpoints
Fracttal →

Create documents and associate them to an asset

Through this API a document management document (Guarantee or Document) is created and associated to a human resource.

Input parameters

codeTextRequiredHuman Resources Code
nameTextRequiredName of warranty
descriptionTextOptionalWarranty description
group_descriptionTextOptionalWarranty group.
If an existing group is to be associated, the name must be sent as created in Fracttal. If no group with the description sent is found, a new one will be created.
versionTextOptionalDocument version
valid_fromDateOptionalValid from date
valid_untilDateOptionalValidity end date
warrantyBooleanOptionalIf it is a guarantee, send true, otherwise false
iso_codeTextOptionalISO document code

Send the required fields and the parameters with the additional values you wish to insert .

Output parameters

successBooleanTrue if the insert was successful or false otherwise
messageText200 if successful
dataTextJSON with inserted item
totalnumberNumber of records inserted (Always 1)200 if successful


Petición: (POST) https://app.fracttal.com/api/items_document_management

	"name":"Certificación trabajo en alturas",
	"description":"Certificación trabajo en alturas realizada por la empresa ABC",
	"iso_code":"ISO 39001",

Test IT
