Through this EndPoint it is possible to consult the outputs of a warehouse made during a period of time. To use this API it is necessary to know the code of the warehouse
Input parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
warehouse_code | Text | Sí | Warehouse Code |
since | Text | Optional | Initial date of the query. Format: 'YYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Example: '2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'. (Default 30 days before) |
until | Text | Optional | End date of the query. Format: 'YYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-UTC' Example:'2016-07-12T20:00:00-03'. (Defaults to the current date. |
page | Integer | Optional | Page number to consult. |
start | Integer | Optional | Initial record number to be displayed by the query. |
limit | Integer | Optional | Final record number to be returned by the query. |
Output parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id_movement | Integer | Id of the movement |
folio_source | Text | Source warehouse movement ID |
folio_target | Text | Destination warehouse movement ID |
date | Date | Delivery date |
description | Text | Description of the entry. |
document | Text | Reference |
movements_types_description | Text | Type of Movement |
movements_states_description | Text | Description of the movement status |
warehouses_source_description | Text | Warehouse source |
third_parties_name | Text | Name of third party |
costs_center_description | Text | Cost Center |
responsible_description | Text | Responsible |
responsible_code | Text | code of the person in charge |
priorities_description | Text | Priority |
date_create | Text | Date of creation of the movement |
third_parties_code | Text | Third party code |
third_parties_address | Text | Address of the third party |
third_parties_telephone_1 | Text | Phone 1 of the third party |
third_parties_telephone_2 | Text | Phone 2 of the third |
third_parties_email | Text | Third party email |
number_details | Number | Number of movement items |
Petition: (GET)
"success": true,
"message": "200",
"data": [
"id_movement": 2115,
"folio_source": "8",
"folio_target": null,
"date": "2018-05-02",
"description": "Salida por Orden de Trabajo",
"document": "OT-2859",
"movements_types_description": "WORK_ORDER",
"movements_states_description": "OUT",
"warehouses_source_description": "ALMACEN CAMIONES TOLVA",
"warehouses_target_description": null,
"third_parties_name": null,
"costs_center_description": null,
"responsible_description": "Laura Marcela Peña Jaramillo",
"responsible_code": "45872135-8",
"conditions_description": null,
"priorities_description": null,
"date_create": "2018-05-02T16:22:22.022897+00:00",
"third_parties_code": null,
"third_parties_address": null,
"third_parties_telephone_1": null,
"third_parties_telephone_2": null,
"third_parties_email": null,
"number_details": 1,
"currency_description": "PESO CHILENO",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"id_company": 133
"total": 1
Test it