API Endpoints
Fracttal →

Query meters

This API allows you to filter the list of meters created in Fracttal to obtain only the meters you need: by the asset code and/or by the meter serial number.

  • To get the meters that belong to a specific asset, you need to send the parameter "code " (asset code) - To get the information of a specific meter, you need to send the parameters "code " (asset code) and "serial" (meter serial).

Input parameters

codeTextOptionalCode of the asset associated with the meter.
serialTextOptionalSerial number of the meter to be consulted.
startIntegerOptionalField used to make the pagination of records. It is the number at which the pagination starts. By default it is 0.
limitIntegerOptionalNumber of records (items) you want the API to return. Default is 100 (cannot be higher than this value).

Output parameters

descriptionTextMeter Description
serialTextMeter serial
is_counterTextValue that tells you if the meter is a counter type.
counter_offset_valueTextAccumulated Value
counter_valueTextCurrent meter value
last_dataTextInformation of the last reading added to the meter: - "date": date, - "value": value, - "accumulated_value": accumulated value
monthly_average_dataTextAverage monthly value
units_descriptionTextDescription of the meter unit
units_codeTextMeter Unit Code
items_descriptionTextDescription of the asset to which the meter belongs
parent_descriptionTextLocation to which the asset belongs
monthly_average_autoBooleanValue indicating whether the monthly average will be calculated by the system or manually entered by the user.
min_valueNumberMinimum meter value
max_valueNumberMaximum meter value
codeTextAsset code


Request: (GET) https://app.fracttal.com/api/meters_list/?code=12345&serial=4789

  "success": true,
  "message": "200",
  "data": [
      "description": "SENSOR DE NIVEL",
      "serial": "12345",
      "is_counter": false,
      "counter_offset_value": 0,
      "counter_value": 2100,
      "last_data": {
        "date": "2017-06-07T02:00:00+00:00",
        "value": 2100,
        "accumulated_value": 2100
      "monthly_average_data": 1,
      "units_description": "Celcius",
      "units_code": "C",
      "items_description": "Salud Mental      { ITEM-001 }",
      "parent_description": "\/\/ Cl\u00ednica Universidad de los Andes\/ ",
      "monthly_average_auto": false,
      "min_value": 2050,
      "max_value": 2100,
      "code": "ITEM-001",
      "id_company": 69
  "total": 1

Test It
