Through this API you can consult the list of tasks that you have created in your company. Both tasks belonging to a task list and unplanned tasks will be listed.
Input parameters
The following input parameters are optional, which are used to perform the pagination of the query. By default Fracttal API returns only 100 records.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
id_group_task | Integer | Optional | Task list number |
start | Integer | Optional | Initial record number to be displayed by the query. |
limit | Integer | Oprional | Final record number to be returned by the query. |
Output parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id_group_task | Integer | Id del plan de tareas al que pertenece. Null, en caso de que sea una tarea no planificada |
duration | Integer | Task duration in seconds |
description | Text | Task description |
is_active | Boolean | True, if the task is active, otherwise false |
stop_assets | Boolean | True, if the asset is stopped, false otherwise |
stop_assets_sec | Integer | Asset stop time in seconds |
priorities_description | Text | Description of priority |
groups_tasks_description | Text | Description of the task plan |
tasks_types_description | Text | Classification 1 of the task |
tasks_types_main_description | Text | Type of task |
note | Text | Note on the task |
requested_by | Text | Requested by |
id_request | Integer | Application ID |
num_iterations | Integer | Number of iterations |
is_cyclical | Boolean | If it is a cyclic task |
name_iterations | JSON | Content of the cyclic task iterations |
Request: (GET)
"success": true,
"message": "200",
"data": [
"id": 255,
"id_company": 914,
"id_group_task": 2,
"id_priorities": 3,
"id_task_type_main": 14,
"id_task_type": null,
"id_task_type_2": null,
"duration": 600,
"description": "60 PUNTOS",
"is_active": true,
"stop_assets": false,
"stop_assets_sec": null,
"tasks_types_2_description": null,
"priorities_description": "MEDIUM",
"groups_tasks_description": "PLAN DE MANTENIMIENTO CAMIÓN FREIGHTLINER M102",
"tasks_types_description": null,
"tasks_types_main_description": "INSPECCIÓN",
"tasks_types_main_color": null,
"note": null,
"requested_by": null,
"id_request": null,
"is_configured": true,
"event_date": null,
"num_iterations": null,
"is_cyclical": null,
"name_iterations": {}
"id": 1676537,
"id_company": 914,
"id_group_task": 45623,
"id_priorities": 3,
"id_task_type_main": 14,
"id_task_type": null,
"id_task_type_2": null,
"duration": 600,
"description": "60 PUNTOS",
"is_active": true,
"stop_assets": false,
"stop_assets_sec": null,
"tasks_types_2_description": null,
"priorities_description": "MEDIUM",
"groups_tasks_description": "PLAN DE MANTENIMIENTO CAMIÓN MIXER",
"tasks_types_description": null,
"tasks_types_main_description": "INSPECCIÓN",
"tasks_types_main_color": null,
"note": null,
"requested_by": null,
"id_request": null,
"is_configured": true,
"event_date": null,
"num_iterations": null,
"is_cyclical": null,
"name_iterations": {}
"id": 1424185,
"id_company": 914,
"id_group_task": 39840,
"id_priorities": 3,
"id_task_type_main": 14,
"id_task_type": null,
"id_task_type_2": null,
"duration": 600,
"description": "60 PUNTOS",
"is_active": true,
"stop_assets": false,
"stop_assets_sec": null,
"tasks_types_2_description": null,
"priorities_description": "MEDIUM",
"groups_tasks_description": "PLAN DE MANTENIMIENTO CAMIÓN MIXER",
"tasks_types_description": null,
"tasks_types_main_description": "INSPECCIÓN",
"tasks_types_main_color": null,
"note": null,
"requested_by": null,
"id_request": null,
"is_configured": true,
"event_date": null,
"num_iterations": null,
"is_cyclical": null,
"name_iterations": {}
"id": 3363315,
"id_company": 914,
"id_group_task": 87029,
"id_priorities": 3,
"id_task_type_main": 14,
"id_task_type": null,
"id_task_type_2": null,
"duration": 600,
"description": "60 PUNTOS",
"is_active": true,
"stop_assets": false,
"stop_assets_sec": null,
"tasks_types_2_description": null,
"priorities_description": "MEDIUM",
"groups_tasks_description": "PLAN DE MANTENIMIENTO BUS",
"tasks_types_description": null,
"tasks_types_main_description": "INSPECCIÓN",
"tasks_types_main_color": null,
"note": null,
"requested_by": null,
"id_request": null,
"is_configured": true,
"event_date": null,
"num_iterations": null,
"is_cyclical": null,
"name_iterations": {}
"id": 336,
"id_company": 914,
"id_group_task": null,
"id_priorities": 3,
"id_task_type_main": 14,
"id_task_type": 24,
"id_task_type_2": null,
"duration": 600,
"description": "60 PUNTOS ( Tarea No Planificada )",
"is_active": true,
"stop_assets": false,
"stop_assets_sec": null,
"tasks_types_2_description": null,
"priorities_description": "MEDIUM",
"groups_tasks_description": null,
"tasks_types_description": "PROYECTO 02",
"tasks_types_main_description": "INSPECCIÓN",
"tasks_types_main_color": null,
"note": "",
"requested_by": "miguel",
"id_request": null,
"is_configured": true,
"event_date": "2020-07-20T20:30:00+00:00",
"num_iterations": null,
"is_cyclical": null,
"name_iterations": null
"total": 5