Fracttal →

SSO Autentication


SSO, or Single-Sign-On, is a feature that allows users to log on to different applications with a single set of credentials. This provides the user with easier access to a set of enterprise applications, as well as giving IT greater control over user account access.

Fracttal provides 3 different SSO authentication methods:

  • Authentication with G-Suite (Google Account Plan).
  • Authentication with Office 365 (Microsoft Account Plan).
  • Authentication using the SAML standard.


SSO authentication with G-SUITE (Google) and Office 365 (Microsoft) is implemented natively within Fracttal.

To make use of this functionality, it is necessary that the users created within Fracttal have the same Google/Microsoft email account associated with them.

To log in using SSO, click on the Google or Microsoft button, as appropriate.


And then Fracttal will open the authentication in the email of each platform.

Example of Microsoft authentication:


Example Google authentication:



SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is a standard that allows the exchange of information for single sign-on (authentication and authorization) or SSO between different parties (applications). The participants in this authentication are the identity provider and the service provider.

**The service provider is the entity that grants a user permission or access to a resource. Fracttal acts as the service provider.

**The identity provider is the entity that provides the infrastructure necessary for user authentication. In this case, the identity provider is the application that has registered the users and controls their access. Some examples of applications that can be identity providers are Active directory, Okta, among others.

Through SAML, a service provider connects with an identity provider online to authenticate users trying to access secure content.



To use Single-Sign-On authentication in Fracttal, using the SAML standard, the configuration must be done in the Configuration Module under the Security - SSO option:


In this SSO configuration, the identity provider information must be entered:

SAML CodeName of communication
Entry PointURL where Fracttal sends a SAML request to initiate the login.
IssuerAlso called EntityID. Contains information that the identity provider uses for internal checks.
Logout redirection URLURL where the information is sent when the user logs out from Fracttal
CertificateAuthentication certificate issued by the identity provider

Within the SSO authentication through SAML, Fracttal uses the Authentication Request Protocol, which consists of receiving information related to valid or invalid login.

The technical interaction of SSO login between Fracttal and another platform can be seen in the following graphic:


Configuration for authentication with Fracttal via SAML in your identity provider** Configuration for authentication with Fracttal via SAML in your identity provider.

To use SAML authentication, access must be configured in the identity provider, so that it has identified the application and knows where it should return requests.

EntityIdName of the communication in the identity provider. If possible use the same name used in Fracttal.
Attribute Consume Service EndpointAlso called callbackurl. URL where the SAML request response will be returned, you must use the url ={codesaml} replacing {codesaml} by the code registered in the Fracttal configuration.
Single Logout Service EndpointUrl from where the identity provider expects to receive logout requests. You must use
NameId FormatFormat of username returned to Fracttal. EmailAddress must be used


Customized authentication in Fracttal using Single-Sign-On is performed under the SAML 2.0 standard.

Therefore, in order for users in Fracttal, to authenticate using Active Directory (AD), the AD must be configured to be the authentication identification provider. The following URLs have the Azure AD documentation, of the SAML configuration:

In case you do not have the option to create a native SAML communication, you must develop the AD to be the authentication provider.