Fracttal →

Build your integration right now with Fracttal

Fracttal provides you a set of tools, documentation and examples for you can easily connect your intelligent maintenance management with external applications.

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Connect your corporate systems

Allow your company's processes to communicate with your intelligent maintenance management.

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Create your custom graphics

Create your own dashboards and custom charts in reporting tools like Power BI.

Integrate Fracttal with any ERP and automate operations in your company

Forget cumbersome processes! With Fracttal you can integrate the data from your commercial applications with those of your maintenance management.

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Get your information

Get all the information stored within Fracttal, such as your maintenance history and share it with your ERP

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Add new information

Insert new records every time new data is created in your ERP with Fracttal

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Update your information

Automatically synchronize the updates made in your ERP with Fracttal

Do it yourself

At Fracttal, we provide you with all the tools that together with your technology team or allied companies, you can develop the communications and integrations you need.

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